Damn it! I screwed up again. At least this time I'm on the right side of the law. Needing to get away, I'm going to lay low in my cabin. There, I can get my head right, be away from the judgement of others. Sounds great until I get there and realize that I am not alone. No one ever comes to this damn secluded mountain. Yet, HE decides he wants to come vacation. Worse, after seeing it’s him, I'm not sure if I want to be left alone anymore.
I'm a ball of stress and everyone knows it. My best friend basically told me to get the hell away from it all or else. Frustrated I’m being treated like shit, I go to my cabin. When I should be resting and centering myself, all I’m focusing on is her....and centering on the sensitive parts between her legs. To add insult to my throbbing injury, she's my employee who’s supposed to be in hiding.